North South Foundation's 2024 Regional Contests on March 23-24, 2024

Tamil Nadu Delta Flood Relief - Fund Raiser


The tropical Cyclone Gaja has destroyed everything on its path along the Kaveri delta region of Tamil Nadu, India which is a major rice producing and agriculturally driven region of the country.

The region has been out of communication, power and medical support and with the current situation help is inaccessible due to damaged infrastructure. There are no confirmed reports on how many people have actually died or missing, while that is being evaluated, the current numbers point to 45 people dead, 250,000 people displaced of their homes, over 175,000 trees uprooted, over 100,000 houses damaged and more than 1000 livestock are estimated to be dead.

Tamil Nadu Delta Flood Relief
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Click here for the NewsMinute Article

The Omaha Tamil Sangam along with India Association of Nebraska would like to raise funds so that we can help rebuild infrastructure and revive the livelihood of the farmers in the area. We request you make a donation of any amount possible and share the information with your friends and family so that we can spread the word.

The donations made will be directly used for the rebuilding of the delta region and uplifting the people who were affected. Please spread the word and help us let us save our delta region and save our farmers. These farms are the backbone of our agricultural ecosystem. You can donate using the below link 

Click here to donate through Facebook (100% of your contribution will be used for flood relief as there is no extra fee)

Click here to donate through Paypal (if you do not have a Facebook account )

(P.S: Your contributions made to this cause is tax-deductible. IAN is working with Omaha Tamil Sangam to spread awareness and coordinate with fundraising) 

Thank You